

  1. Henderson, H, Grace, K, Gulbransen-Diaz, N, Klaassens, B, Leong, T.W., & Tomitsch, M (accepted March 2023), From Parking Meters to Vending Machines: A Study of Usability Issues in Self-Service Technologies, in Science and Technology Studies
  2. Errey, N, Liang, J, Leong, TW & Zowghi, D (2023) Evaluating Effective Narrative Visualization ‘in the Wild’ Int J Data Sci Anal.
  3. Hemsley, B., Dann, S., Reddacliff, C., Smith, R., Given, F., Gay, V., Leong, T.W., Josserand, E., Skellern, K., Palmer, G., & Balandin, S. (Accepted 30.9.22) Views on the usability, design, and future possibilities of a 3D food printer for people with dysphagia: outcomes of an immersive experience. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
  4. Shen, S., Chen, H.T., Raffe, W., and Leong, T.W. (2021) Effects of level of Immersion on Virtual Training Transfer of Bimanual Assembly Tasks. Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
  5. Leong, T.W. 2018. A book to inspire the pursuit of mystery and enchantment in HCI. Interactions, 25 (6). 25 [link]
  6. Ploderer, B and Leong, T.W. 2017. Manual engagement and automation in amateur photography. Media International Australia, 166 (1). 44-56. [link]
  7. Light, A., Pedell, S., Robertson, T., Waycott, J., Bell, J., Durick, J., & Leong, T.W. (2016), What’s special about aging, Interactions 23, (2), 66-69 [link]
  8. Horanont, T, Phithakkitnukoon, S, Leong, T.W., & Shibasaki, R (2013). Weather Effects on the Patterns of People’s Everyday Activities: A study using GPS traces of mobile phone users. PLoS ONE. 8(12) [link]
  9. Phithakkitnukoon, S, Leong, T.W., Smoreda, Z, & Olivier, P (2012), Weather effects in mobile social interaction: A case study of mobile phone users in Lisbon, Portugal, PLoS ONE. 7(10) [link]
  10. Iversen, O.S., Leong, T.W., & Halskov, K (2012). Values-led Participatory Design, Journal of CoDesign 8 (2-3), 87-103 [link]
  11. Leong, T.W., Vetere, F., & Howard, S. (2012) Experiencing Coincidence during Digital Music Listening, Transactions of Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), 19 (1), Article 6, 19 pages [link]
  12. Leong, T.W., Vetere, F., & Howard, S. (2008). Abdicating Choice: The Rewards of Letting Go, Digital Creativity, 19(4), 233-243 [link]
  13. Leong, T.W., Howard, S., & Vetere, F. (2008.) Take a Chance on Me: Using Randomness for the Design of Digital Devices, Interactions 15(3), 16-19 [link]

Book Chapter

  1. Frost, D., Dillon, S., Grady, S., Thurlow., J, Leong, T.W. and Bell, J (2020) Approaches for Authentic Engagement: Younger Onset Dementia, in HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia. In Brankaert, R and Kenning, G (Eds) HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia (pp. 77-96). Springer.

Workshops (as co-organiser)

  1. Pillai, A.G., Kocaballi, A.B., Leong, T.W., Calvo, R.A., Parvin, N., Shilton, K., Way-out, J., Fiesler, C., Havens, J.C., and Ahmadpour, N (2021) Co-designing Resources for Ethics Education in HCI, in CHI'21: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press
  2. Lawrence, C, Leong, T.W., Brereton, M., Taylor, J.L., Bidwell, N. and Wadley, G, Indigenous HCI, in OZCHI'19 Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Fremantle, WA
  3. Lawrence, C., Leong, T.W., Gay, V., Woods, A. and Wadley, G (2017), #thismymob: digital land rights and reconnecting Indigenous communities, in in OZCHI’17 Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, p. 646-647
  4. Soro, A., Brereton, M., Roe, P., Wyeth, P., Johnson, D., Ambe, H., Morrison, A., Bardzell, S., Leong, T.W., Ju, W., Lindtner, S., Rogers, Y., and Buur, J (2017) Designing the Social Internet of Things, in Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p617-623, ACM
  5. Shen, S, Tan, C.T., and Leong, T.W. (2014) Towards Better Tools to Support Mixed Methods in Game User,” in Proc. CHI Workshop on Game User Research, Toronto, Canada.
  6. Robertson, T., Durick, J., Brereton, M., Leong. T.W., Vetere, F., Howard, S. and Nansen, B (2013) Investigating Sociophysical Interaction in the Domain of Ageing Well, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploration in Social Interaction Design, CHI 2013.
  7. Vines, J, Clarke, R, Leong, T.W., Wright, P., Light, A., & Iversen, O.S. (2012) Perspectives on Participation: Evaluating Cross-Disciplinary Tools, Methods and Practices, in Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. ACM Press.
  8. Iversen, O.S., Leong, T.W., Wright, P., Bowker., G., & Gergory, J. (2012) Working with Human Values in Design, in Proceedings of Participatory Design Conference (PDC), Roskilde, Denmark.
  9. Kannabiran, G., Light, A., & Leong, T.W. (2012) Identity, Performativity and HCI, in Proceedings of CHI, Austin, Texas. ACM Press.
  10. Phithakkitnukoon, S., Mascolo., C, Horanot., T & Leong, T.W. (2011) Social Connections in the Urban Space 2011, at SocialCom 2011, MIT Boston.
  11. Leong, T.W., Tanaka, A., Wright, P., Gaye, L., & Taylor, R.. The User in Flux: Bringing HCI and Digital ArtsTogether to Interrogate Shifting Roles in Interactive Media, in Proceedings of CHI. Vancouver, Canada. ACM Press.

Workshops (as participant)

  1. Leong, T.W. (2010), Broadening the inspirations of heritage inquiries. DIS Conference, Aarhus, Denmark
  2. Brynskov, M., & Leong, T.W. (2010), Between engagement and information: Experimental urban media in the climate change debate. Interact Conference, Uppsala, Sweden
  3. Leong, T.W. (2009), Reflexivity as a means to engaging urban citizens in sustainable food culture. OzChi Conference, Melbourne, Australia


  1. Vines, J, Clarke, R, Leong, T.W., McCarthy, J, Iversen, O, Wright, P & Olivier, P (2012) Participation and HCI: Why involve people in design? SIG session Austin, Texas, ACM Press.


  1. "Chaos theory: what happens when Amazon buys you random stuff?" Interviewed by Russel Brandom from The Verge about random shopper.
  2. Newell, C, Howard, D, Leong, T.W., Main, G, Reed, D & Wright, P. (2011) The 'Tingle' Factor: what makes a winning voice? The Opera Critic.


  1. Derix, C.E., Leong, T.W., and Prior, J (2022) “It's A Drag”: Exploring How to Improve Parents’ Experiences of Managing Mobile Device Use During Family Time in CHI'22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press. [link]
  2. Derix, C.E., Leong, T.W., and Prior, J (2021) Family Technology Use: Sources of Conflict In Parents' Relationships in OZCHI'21 Proceedings of the 33rd Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Online.
  3. Leong, T.W., Su, C.S., Liang, R.H., and Tsai, W.C. (2021) Experiential Persona: Towards Supporting Richer and Unfinalized Representations of People, in CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press. [link] [link to YouTube video about the paper]
  4. Derix, C.E., Leong, T.W., and Prior, J (2021) It’s The Same Conflict Every Time, On Repeat: How Digital Technology Use Can Contribute Towards Conflict in Parents’ Relationships, in CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press. [link]
  5. Dourish, P, Lawrence, C., Leong, T.W., and Wadley, G (2020) On Being Iterated: The Affective Demands of Design Participation (Best Paper Award), in CHI'20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press. [link]
  6. Derix, C.E. and Leong, T.W. (2020) Probes to Explore the Individual Perspectives on Technology Use that exist within Sets of Parents, in DIS'20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, ACM Press. [link]
  7. Derix, C.E. and Leong, T.W. (2020) Tactics for Designing Probes to Explore Parents’ Experiences of Family Technology Use, in NordiCHI'20, ACM Press. [link]
  8. Hemsley B, Balandin S, Dann S, Gay V, Josserand E, Leong T, Palmer S, and Skellern K (2020)A device looking for a purpose and user-centred co-design: 3D food printing not yet delivering on expectations of benefit for people with swallowing disability, in 2020 Symposium for Space Nutrition and Food Engineering
  9. Leong, T.W., Lawrence, C. and Wadley, G (2019) Designing for Diversity in Aboriginal Australia: Insights from a national technology project, in OZCHI'19 Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Fremantle, WA
  10. Derix, C.E. and Leong, T.W. (2019)Towards a Probe Design Framework, (Best Paper Award) in OZCHI'19 Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Fremantle, WA
  11. Armstrong, T and Leong T.W. (2019) SNS and the Lived Experiences of Queer Youth, in in OZCHI'19 Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Fremantle, WA
  12. Wadley, G., Krause, A., Liang, J, Wang, Z and Leong, T.W. (2019) Use of music streaming platforms for emotion regulation by international students, in OZCHI'19 Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Fremantle, WA
  13. Bell, J and Leong, T.W. (2019) Collaborative Futures: Co-Designing Research Methods for Younger People Living with Dementia, in Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, NY, USA, DOI:
  14. Gay V.C., Garcia, J.A., and Leong, T.W. (2019). Using Asynchronous Exergames to Encourage an Active Ageing Lifestyle: Solitaire Fitness Study Protocol, Digital Health: Changing the Way Healthcare is Conceptualised and Delivered: Selected Papers from the 27th Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2019).
  15. Shen, S., Chen, H.T., and Leong T.W. (2019). Training Transfer of Bimanual Assembly Tasks in Cost-Differentiated Virtual Reality Systems. In IEEE VR 2019, the 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Osaka, Japan.
  16. Garcia, J., Sundara, N., Tabor, G., Gay, V.C., and Leong T.W. (2019). Solitaire Fitness: Design of an asynchronous exergame for the elderly to enhance cognitive and physical ability. In 7th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, IEEE SeGAH 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
  17. Chin Derix, E and Leong, T.W. 2018. Days of Our Lives: Family Experiences of Digital Technology Use. In OZCHI’18 Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Melbourne.
  18. Henderson, H, Tomitsch, M., and Leong, T.W. 2018. Tools to Think With: Augmenting User Interviews with Rapid Modular Prototypes. In OZCHI’18 Proceedings of the 30th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Melbourne.
  19. Nassir, S. and Leong, T.W. 2018. Conducting Qualitative Fieldwork with Ageing Saudis: A Visual Diary. In Proceedings of the 2018 Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 427-439. DOI:
  20. Henderson, H and Leong, T.W. (2017), Lessons learned: a study on user difficulties with parking meters, in OZCHI’17 Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, p. 533-537
  21. Bell, J. and Leong, T.W. (2017) Collaborative futures: a technology design approach to support living well with dementia, in OZCHI’17 Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, p. 397-401
  22. Feng, V,F. and Leong, T.W. (2017), Digital meaning: exploring and understanding the motivations and experiences of virtual volunteers, in OZCHI’17 Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, p. 363-370
  23. Nassir, S., & Leong, T.W. (2017), Traversing Boundaries: Understanding the Experiences of Ageing Saudis, in Proceedings of CHI, Denver, Colorado, p. 6386-6397, ACM Press
  24. Leong, T.W. & Johnston B. (2016), Co-designing a robot dog with aging people, in the Eight International Conference on Social Robotics, Kansas City, USA.
  25. Leong, T.W. & Robertson, T. (2016) Voicing values: laying foundations for aging people to participate in design, in Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference (PDC), Aarhus, Denmark.
  26. Kirk, D., Durant, A., Wood, G, Leong, T.W., & Wright, P (2016) Understanding the sociality of experience in mobile music listening with Pocketsong, in Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Brisbane, Australia.
  27. Leong, T.W. & Iversen, O (2015) Values-led Participatory Design as a pursuit of meaningful alternatives, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Melbourne, Australia, p314-323, ACM Press.
  28. Nassir, S., Leong, T.W., & Robertson, T (2015) Positive Ageing: Elements and factors for design, Proceedings of OzCHI, Melbourne, Australia.
  29. Cumbo, B. & Leong, T.W. (2015) Wearable audio-video recorders as a tool for investigating child play experiences in nature, Proceedings of OzCHI, Melbourne, Australia.
  30. Tan, C.T., Leong, T. W., Chen, S., Dubravs, C. & Chen, S (2015) Exploring gameplay experiences on the Oculus Rift, Proceedings of CHI Play, London, UK. (Honourable Mention Award)
  31. Light, A., Leong, T.W., & Robertson, T (2015) Ageing well with CSCW, Proceedings of ECSCW.
  32. Cumbo, B., Jacobs, B., Leong, T.W., & Kanstrup, A. (2014) What motivates children to play outdoors: Potential applications for interactive digital tools, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Sydney, Australia, p.168-171, ACM Press.
  33. Robertson, T., Leong, T.W., Durick, J. & Koreshoff, T (2014) Mutual learning as a resource for research design, in Proceedings of Participatory Design (PDC), Namibia. p.25-28, ACM Press.
  34. Tan, C.T., Leong, T.W., & Shen, S (2014) Combining think-aloud and physiological data to understand video game experiences, in Proceedings of CHI, Toronto, Canada, p. 381-390, ACM Press.
  35. Harrold, N., Tan, C.T., Rosser, D. & Leong,T.W. (2014) CopyMe: a portable real-time feedback expression recognition game for children, in Proceedings of CHI, Toronto, Canada, p. 1195-1200, ACM Press
  36. Harrold, N., Tan, C.T., Rosser, D. & Leong, T.W. (2014) CopyMe: a portable real-time feedback expression recognition game for children, in Proceedings of CHI, Toronto, Canada, p.1195-1200, ACM Press.
  37. Harrold, N., Tan, C.T., Rosser, D. & Leong, T.W. (2014) CopyMe: an emotional development game for children, in Proceedings of CHI, Toronto, Canada, p. 503-506, ACM Press.
  38. Leong, T.W. & Wright, P (2013). Understanding 'Tingle' in Opera Performances, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Adelaide, Australia, p.43-52, ACM Press.
  39. Koreshoff, T.L, Leong, T.W., & Robertson, T. (2013). Approaching a human-centred Internet of Things, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Adelaide, Australia, p.363-366, ACM Press.
  40. Koreshoff, T.L., Robertson, T & Leong, T.W. (2013). Internet of Things: a review of literature and products, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Adelaide, Australia, p.335-344, ACM Press.
  41. Leong, T.W., & Wright, P (2013). Revisiting Social Practices Surrounding Music, in Proceedings of CHI, Paris, France. p.951-960, ACM Press.
  42. Iversen, O., & Leong, T.W. (2012). Values-led Participatory Design: Mediating the Emergence of Values, in Proceedings of Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI), Copenhagen, Denmark. p.468-477, ACM Press.
  43. Ploderer, B., Leong, T.W., Ashkanasy, S & Howard, S (2012). A process of engagement: Engaging with the process, in Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. p.224-233, ACM Press.
  44. Leong, T.W. & Wright, P. (2011) Music in Households in the Digital Economy,in Digital Engagement Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
  45. Brynskov, M, Leong, T.W., & Fritch, J. (2011) Bridging the affective gap to make news felt: Civic engagement in the climate debate, in Proceedings of the Conference on Communities and Technologies (C&T), Brisbane, Australia, ACM Press.
  46. Leong, T.W., Harper, R. & Regan, T (2011) Nudging towards Serendipity: A case with personal digital photos, in British Computer Society HCI Conference (BCS HCI), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. British Computer Society, p. 385-394
  47. Leong, T.W. & Gram, N (2011). The creative listeners and their iPods: their music, their activities and their listening experiences. International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA), Istanbul, Turkey.
  48. Iversen, O.S., Halskov, K., & Leong, T.W. (2010). Rekindling Values in Participatory Design, in Proceedings of Participatory Design (PDC), Sydney, Australia, p.91-100, ACM Press.
  49. Leong, T.W., Wright, P, Vetere, F & Howard, S (2010). Understanding experience using dialogical methods: The case for Serendipity, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Brisbane, Australia, p.256-263, ACM Press.
  50. Leong, T.W. & Brynskov, M (2009). CO2nfession: Engaging with values through urban conversations, in Proceedings of OZCHI, Melbourne, Australia, p. 209-216, ACM Press.
  51. Leong, T.W., Howard, S & Vetere, F. (2008). Choice: Abdicating or Exercising, in Proceedings of CHI, Florence, Italy, p.715-724, ACM Press.
  52. Leong, T.W., Vetere, F. & Howard, S. (2006) Randomness as a Resource for Design, in Proceedings of Designing for Interactive Systems (DIS), University Park, PA, USA, p.132-139, ACM Press.
  53. Leong T.W. (2006) Doctoral consortium: Designing for Experiences: Randomness as a Resource, in Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Penn State University, USA. ACM Press.
  54. Leong, T.W., Vetere, F. & Howard, S. (2005). The Serendipity Shuffle, in Proceedings of OZCHI 1-4, ACM Press.